Well the good news is that I have lived in Colombia for almost 6 months and haven't been robbed yet (knock on wood). Two weeks in Chicago? Not so much. Now having been born and raised in Chicago with a grandfather who worked as a Chicago Police Lieutenant, I should have known better. And for the vast majority of 25 years I have; I have even shared my tips for avoiding getting your things stolen with many, many people. Some pretty simple ones include: lock your doors and don't leave things in your car that could entice thieves. The former I managed to remember when returning to Chicago, the latter...not so much. The day before I was going to visit David's family in Iowa, I stayed at my friend Tessa's after we went out with friends to watch the Hawkeyes in their bowl game. Since I had to take 90 to Dubuque and was already north, I was going to leave from Tessa's in the morning. When I got to her apartment I was already dressed and ready to go, was feeling quite lazy and figured I could borrow some pjs to sleep in from Tessa, so I didn't bring my duffel up with me to her apartment. Stupid. While I remember thinking about my own advice to others about leaving stuff in the car, I probably thought "what are the chances anything is going to happen?" (Clearly I lost some of my Chicago street smarts while living in Cali) The answer: 100%. There is a 100% chance that if I leave things in my car for probably the first time ever in 25 years that it will get broken into and said things will be stolen. And so, most of my Saturday morning and afternoon were spent in tears trying to figure out what to do and eventually making a very late arrival in Iowa.
I could go through the list of all that was stolen from my car, but I won't. Anger might yet again set in. Now, little more than a week later, I can look back realize that it could have been worse: I wasn't
in my car when they were trying to take my things, they got in without breaking the windows, they didn't steal my car etc. I can also
laugh when I think about the ridiculousness of it. Now you might be thinking: "Laugh? That's a strange reaction to being robbed..." and you are correct, but here's what I find so funny: they stole my cupcakes. Yep, remember those
cupcakes! I slaved over? They were on the floor of the back seat to take to Iowa for David's family and any potential NYE party we might attend. Gone. 36 deliciously filled vegan and car bomb cupcakes stolen. Bastards. Pardon my language. But seriously? They had to take them all? Sure help yourself to one or two, they looked scrumptious, but leave a little for the rest of us. Sheesh. And so you see, I laugh. Because really, who gets cupcakes stolen from them?
Unfortunately, these aren't the only weird things I have had stolen over the past two years. Had I started blogging a year or two ago the bottom of this post would read something like this: "You might also like: 'Where's all the laundry detergent and Bounce?' and 'When our shower products went missing'" because, yes, those have both happened too. Back in March 2011, my apartment that I shared with my friends Erin and Meaghan was broken into while we were at work; they got in through the front window. It wasn't until later that week that I asked "Erin, do you know where all our laundry detergent is?" She didn't. It took about 5 minutes to realize that the only conclusion we could come to was that it had also been taking during the break-in. I was going to use the word "logical", but there is nothing logical about that. And then there was the time I was subleasing an apartment for a month before moving in with said roommates in the Summer of 2010. David was visiting and so when I went to shower and couldn't find my shampoo or any other shower products, I thought perhaps he was being a comedian. Nope. Someone somehow had taken all of our shampoo and shower products. We concluded that they got in the shower window because I found my razor sitting on an outside ledge across from the window. Even stranger: they took nothing else. We didn't tell many people about the incident, mostly because it was just weird.
I guess the good thing is that I can go back and laugh at these situations, and for the most part, move on. They aren't the best scenarios by any means, but are they the worst that could happen? Certainly not. Are the pretty humorous? Absolutely. Regardless, I'm still hoping to be robbery free in 2012, even if it leaves me with a few less weird and funny stories to share.