"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page"-Saint Augustine

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I dislike New Year's Resolutions, because I feel like often people make them and fail, and just like a lot of other people seem to agree, I don't necessarily think you need to wait until the first day of a new year to start improving your life.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to sit on my high horse and preach, I spent many years not even thinking about self-improvement or setting goals.  Nonetheless, I think it's important to keep in mind those things that you want to work on.  So here is my list that I have been working on and hope to continue improving in 2012:

  1. Eat healthier.  This includes reducing (cutting out?) pop in my diet as well as that sneaky side of fries.  Delicious? Yes.  Healthy? No.
  2. Be more active.  I think moving to Colombia has certainly helped me improved this as the weather is usually conducive to outdoor activities year-round.  I am also in love with my new Zumba 2 for Wii, so that should help.
  3. Travel!  I have a somewhat unique opportunity to live abroad and I definitely want to take advantage of every opportunity to explore my new country and continent.
  4. Disconnect.  I find myself on a computer Facebook all too often and I am disappointed in myself at times.  I don't think I need to cut it out completely, but  cutting back is a must.  I have seriously disconnected from the TV (we didn't have one for 4 months) and my iPhone/Pod since having been down here, and love that I have been reading so much, but I still need to work on this.  This is part of the reason I am currently boycotting Kindles and other e-readers; I want there to be something left in my day to day life that allows me to be "unplugged"
  5. Speak Spanish.  Ugh its so haaaard.  Now that we're back I am going to get a one on one tutor, but I am also going to try to use Spanish whenever possible.  Just last night I was talking with a mutual friend so speaks Spanish and English and we carried on for a while in Spanish about where I had bought my dress and life down here.  Pretty impressive considering we were in possibly the loudest bar in Cali.  Eventually my brain failed though and we went back to English.  Baby steps.
  6. Let the in basket be full.  OK, not full, but it doesn't have to be empty; it probably never will be.  This came from Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...and it's all small stuff, a book I read just as I was moving down here.  Basically, our "in basket" is a list of things that need to be done and in the past I have been meticulous about getting such list scratched off.  However, not surprisingly so, there was always something on that list, and trying to get everything done was stressful.  The idea that Richard Carlson shares in the book is that when you die, your in basket won't be empty, and probably isn't meant to be; "there is more to life that making sure that every item on your to-do list is accomplished."  There is indeed a limit to what can and should be done in a day and as I have found, having things left on that list while I take some time for myself has not in fact resulted in the end of the world. 
I find that there is always room for improvement, and a highly doubt that this is the extent of my list (I know there are other facets of life such as relationships and work that could use some improvement too), but its what comes to mind as I write and reflect.  Do you have any "resolutions"?

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